I'll be trying out a seaweed mask, I'm trying out today is a pure seaweed algae powder that I bought from Amazon for $3 seventy-eight pack comes with 12 sachets of algae seeds so what each person do is empty out a sachet into a bowl and mix it with a bit of water until it goes all gooey when you apply it onto your skin for about 20 to 30 minutes the benefits to seaweed and algae is that it has whitening benefits it also contains collagen and elastin which helps firm up the skin it controls oil and helps with acne it also lightens up pigmentation and is moisturizing.
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My skin, it's also getting really like red and uneven so I'm hoping the seaweed mask will help with that so fingers crossed alrighty. So now I'm going to mix up my concoction I'm going to empty the seeds into a bowl this is what it looks like it just looks like tiny little seeds then I'm going to pour in a little bit of water apparently to support equal parts and just kind of like mix it all together. Notice how the seeds suck up all the water I'm going to leave it for about a minute and then I'm going to come back and apply this my face I think the paste is ready now and it's gone super slimy it's all kind of like stuck together into this like kind of like a slug do you know what I mean it's got that texture. Oh in regards to this smell it doesn't really smell that bad it kind of reminds me of like dried tea leaves it smells a bit Cobley or seed it doesn't have a very strong smell like you have to go really close to smell it well actually it's going to be applied with my face I'm sure I'll smell it now it's best to apply this in section so you just kind of like pull apart a bit of that slime oh the texture is really really feels like super slimy it really looks gross doesn't it okay here goes nothing is going to pop it onto my face oh my god you're going to slide off I'm gonna detach in the final looks like no dents I think when you spread up I'm definitely stick together that world on us well how do you make this day okay okay I'm starting again that was a complete failure oh maybe I added too much water I'm going to go again but this time I'm going to like put a smaller piece on my forest and maybe that way it kind of stays okay yeah yes I think the other piece is just a little bit too heavy and I like really like stretch it out okay that's a much better I think I think I know how to use this now just use smaller pieces just going to pop on my nose and spread it out on my cheeks I feel like I'm rubbing dirt on my face is that oh oh yeah I'm looking at sexy you know what I look like in Fantastic Four and it's got that that speed dude what's that things what he's cause the thing yet this is the last piece I have so I might just split it into two spoiler on here this one doesn't want to stay this texture actually reminds me of chia seeds you know in unique species in your drinks and it kinda has that like jelly lay around it this is what it feels like so far I find the application a little bit difficult because you really need to spread it out right you use the right amount and perhaps you need to lay down for this I think that's what's going to work this I'm pretty happy with my application now however I just look really scary in the mirror it's like I don't know I just look deformed slows our life skin feels fine it doesn't quinoa doesn't sting it's actually quite soothing and yes I feel like it is good for all skin types because there's no chemicals it's just seaweed and algae seeds and you're mixing it with water if you want added benefits you can mix it with honey and milk some people mix it with that and cream but you can also just use it with water okay so I'm going to leave that on my skin for about 20 minutes and shooting into a milk I just spent the last 20 minutes playing with this on my face I've just been moving around patting it in when it slides I just kind of like cut it back and check out my finger they've gone all pruney just like when you have a bar you know it's time to get out when your fingers Olympics I have to admit it is a little bit fun playing with this in a community spreading it out but it is a nuisance you just want to put a mask on real quick sit there for like 20 to 30 minutes and relax it is a little bit annoying to spread out now.
I'm going to remove it the texture is still the same it hasn't hardened up or anything still really slimy oh it's going pull it off off that's a hot that's hot and now I have all these little seeds left on my face oh I'm going to go and wash my face and I'll be right back my skin feels tighter I feel like when I was washing my face and just getting those fees up there was a bit of dislike you all left on my skin but now it's gone but I feel like now it's kind of firmed up my skin and it's just tightened everything also those flaky bits that I was showing you before so do i I don't seize all of my freaking fingers and I'm putting it back on my face he sees everywhere that's another thing it is messy to use I feel like the fees just go everywhere right to you it's one of my ears I feel like I might be seeing seeds everywhere for days so that's another thing it is a messy product and it is difficult to use however my skin does feel really good the flakiness is gone I feel like it also has reduced a little bit of redness not a lot I feel like I still have a little bit of redness there and in terms of the price 374 twelve packs of this I think it's really affordable and because it's 100% natural it's great for skin types you don't have to worry about any chemicals in it and mix it with water milk honey anything you want plus it's good for those who have oily skin or acne prone skin overall I'm going to rate the seaweed mask a 8 out of 10 it's great because after I remove the mask I saw is also straight away and I can feel my skin firm up I wouldn't say it's like a miracle product because you need to use it regularly it recommends you use at least three times a week to see the best results the good thing about that is that this product is really affordable for 370 you get a pack which will last you a month most sheet masks at least like five dollars each and feels like three of them a week that's $15 so this is really good values the only downfall is that it is a little bit difficult to get used to because you need to really stretch out the product and apply it on and you really need to mix it with the right ratio I feel I put a little bit too much water in in beginning that's well slipping so if you try it just try to gauge the ratio and feel it and just mix it as you go so you can see the consistency of it another thing is that it's not like a super attractive product to use.
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