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Seaweed Health & Beauty | Seaweed health and beauty products, recipes, and articles.

Seaweed is a general term for the many different types of algae and plant life that grows in the ocean there are said to be some eight thousand different types of seaweed around the world but you don't find seaweed on the menu everywhere mainly in fact in Japan Korea and China I've come to the city of kitsune which is in Chiba Prefecture just east of Tokyo this is a region which is particularly rich and seaweed even on a global scale and it's the mixture of warm and cold currents busting rocky coasts which provide ideal conditions for seaweed to flourish seaweed is so popular in Japan that you'll rarely sit down to the table without it being included in some form be it a students or soup or whatever it's used in many many different kinds of Japanese cuisine let's start off with a look at some of the more common kinds of seaweed in Japan around 1,500 different species of seaweed are found in Japan more than in most other countries among these species more ...
EDIBLE SEAWEEDS Edible seaweeds are an excellent source of minerals, containing ten to twenty times the mineral of land vegetables. They are low in calories, yet nutritious. They are valued for their rejuvenating and purifying properties. While seaweed is low in both saturated fat and cholesterol, and it reduces cancer risk and promotes weight loss.  Since they are highly concentrated food, small quantities are sufficient.  Preparing sea vegetables is simple, all you need is soak them in cold water for three to five minutes, and rinse and squeeze before adding to your meal. WAKAME Wakame is a very popular food in some Asian countries, traditionally it contributes to beautiful skin and hair. It has a fiber content similar to rice, which aids digestive transit through its bulking capacity without starchy carbohydrate. Some sub-species of wakame are currently used in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure in humans. Research shows that wakame helps red...
WHAT ARE SEAWEEDS? Seaweeds are found in the all the coastal area of the world, in all climatic zones from the warm tropics to icy polar polar regions. There are about ten thousand different species, but new and formerly unknown ones, sometimes living extremely in harsh condition, are being discovered on an ongoing basis. Despite their name and even though they often resemble plants, seaweeds are only tenuously related to plants. The tissue of the majority of the seaweeds is built up very differently from that found in higher forms of plant life and their functional structure is dissimilar in many respects. They do not have leaves and stems in botanical sense of words, nor do they broom, produce seeds, or set fruits. Seaweeds have no need for root system to take in water or nutrients, as their cells are in direct contact with the surrounding water from which they derive their nourishment. Consequently, they do not grow roots, some species have evolved a system for the internal ...